Have you ever wondered or tried to remember what life under the sheets was like before you had kiddies?
I do, I try to remember how often it was and what the schedule was. It was non-stop and the schedule was kind of all over the place. We were younger, the workload didn't have so many responsibilities to attend to and time was not an issue. I find myself now kind of thinking like this...
" hmmm, Maia had a full day of activities, including swimming, playing, ballet and all sorts of things. So, she would be asleep by 7:30 and then we can have romantic dinner, go to bed early so we have some time to dive into the old days" I sometimes have the urge to just put her to sleep and go for a night of fun. This is strange to me suddenly. Having to think that way. Planning my day and my sex life around the kids.
And sometimes I am so beat by the end of the day that sleepiness takes over too early and then my hubby feels dismissed. Have you ever tried to explain how it has nothing to do with him, it's just the running around of the day exhausted every bit of me.
I wonder...
" Can we go back to being play full and fun and loving even when being exhausted from work and activities with the kids? Is love in bed dead?
Lately I have been thinking and putting an effort into being lovey dovey again. Just trying to enamour my guy everyday as if it was the first time, its a fun game for me to find my life back with my husband. I'm loving every bit of this new way of looking at life with hubby and Maia. Maybe when the second comes there will be another couple of years of readjusting but at least I know we will be back on track before that so the distance wont seem so big. I love my husband and want to be with him forever, but also I know we have to take care of each other and I have to stop being so Maia involved and save some of that energy to keeping the romance alive and fresh.
Some tips to do so.
Cook a nice meal, doesn't have to be gourmet just made with love. Maybe a favorite dish. Put the kids to bed and light some candles, or maybe get together to watch a tv show you both enjoy. Buy some wine. Talk softly, ask how his day was. They are like kids they need to know they are appreciated. And you know you do, but they need to listen to you say it.
Just a thought for all of you!